Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Milled PCB Gallery

This is just going to be a gallery post: some pictures and captions. It's finals weeks, so I've got studying to do, but I've really been wanting to most some pictures of boards I've made. I'm on my third 1/64 inch end mill (they're very fragile), but every other part of the hardware is working great! So here are the pictures -

This is a PCB I designed on Eagle. It's supposed to
be like a tiny synthesizer

A nice close-up of the TQFP ATMega328 and
other components

Same-ish picture, different angle

The 'Fabio' board from It's a nice,
completely SMD Arduino dev board. Soldering soon

Friday, May 18, 2012

Dangerous Prototypes Free PCB Build

EDIT: DP put my post on their site! I got a nice email from Lynn with a new PCB code and the board is on its way!

So some time ago I entered on of Dangerous Prototypes' free PCB contests. I left my name in a comment box and then, on my first try, they sent me a code! How nice of them. With the code, I went into their PCB Drawer and found this USB IR shield. I gave them my code back and they sent me the PCB. It came all the way from the Netherlands and had a neat stamp and a nice Dangerous Prototypes business card. If you have five minutes on a Sunday, maybe you should comment on the free PCB post. What's especially cool is that if you populate the PCB they send you, they'll give you another code to get another board.
    This is what it looked like when it arrived -

Taken from the DP site

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

CNC Update

Finally got a video of my machine in action put together! The whole job takes something like fifteen minutes so I cut it down to about three. By the way, the GCode for this was generated with image-to-gcode, which ships with EMC2. It's inefficient, really. If your circuit has traces, it will mill away everything except the traces. I prefer, the MIT program. It only isolates the traces, making the milling much faster. So here's the video -

    Sorry for the poor angle... Anyway, I'll get some more pictures and videos up to show the results. 

Saturday, March 31, 2012

CNC - Part 2

EDIT: Some new pictures of fresh PCBs can be found here. END EDIT

My last post talked about the CNC machine I built. This time, I have some pictures, and a little information I gained since last time. This will mostly be a gallery post.

This is the design mine was based off of

This is how it came out (pretty different)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

CNC Machine

I haven't posted anything very recently, mostly because I've been busy with a big project. I was building a CNC machine, and just finished it last night! It been quite a while working on it. It started at Christmas - my parents got me all the necessary parts I didn't have - basically some leadscrews and nuts. Just in case you're wondering, I mostly followed the Mantis 9 plans from (which I think was made by some MIT students). It looks like this - 

Mantis 9